Urological Surgeons who perform HoLEP procedures
In New Zealand HoLEP treatment (Holmium laser treatment) is available in the public system in a limited number of settings but private surgeons are available in Tauranga, Auckland, Palmerston North, and Wellington.

Mr Tevita Aho
Consultant Urological surgeon and lead Clinician for Holmium Laser Prostate Surgery
Addenbrooke’s Hospital
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
Mr Aho can also be seen privately at the Princess Grace Hospital London

Mr Ben Challacombe
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Consultant Urological Surgeon
New Zealand

Mr James Duthie
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Wellington Public Hospital and Southern Cross Specialist Centre Wellington, Promed House Tauranga
New Zealand

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