Determine suitable BPH treatment options
Overview by Professor Richard Hindley
Consultant Urologist
Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Visiting Professor at the University of Winchester

Minimally Invasive treatments – which one may be appropriate for you?
(Robotic and Open prostatectomy are included for completeness)
*We recommend you read the BPH and Information Collection pages in the first instance

0% with Urolift, iTind and PAE
5% with Rezum
7% with Aquablation
45% with HoLEP, GreenLEP and Greenlight laser
45%+ with TURP
75%+ with Open Prostatectomy
So for moderate symptoms and a prostate volume of less than 100ml, REZUM and Urolift are the best treatment options.
Is Erectile Function Important? (See IIEF link)
With PAE, 60% of patients report an improvement in erectile function.
Incidence of erectile dysfunction with other treatments is as follows:

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